Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Me vs a Fridge

ever have a fight with a fridge :) well i wouldn't recommend it!!

Having recently moved house.... i had to purchase a new fridge! Luckily we were in no real hurry with one ....... due to the fantastic Canadian weather... the temperature in the garage is sub-zero!! so we have been living out of a couple of cool boxes in our hugmous fridge (ie the garage) for the last 2 weeks!!!
so it was about time i was a responsible mum, so i bought a new fridge!!! its was all shiny and new!! and i was tickled pink with it................ until i got home!!

The kind men at Sears has placed in gently on its side in the back of my pick-up truck!! (sure its only a short drive... i vaguely remember saying!) However fridges cant be left on their side for too long!!
so mmmmmmm got home and looked around at my 3ft odd twins and 4ft odd daughter........ and went CRAP!!
and then it dawned on me.... i have to get it out of here somehow!!

i inconsciously hung around out the front of the house... for as long as i could bare (its still about -10 this part of world) but it seems all my neighbours were out enjoying there weekend!!

so nothing for it but climbing right up there.... bit of pulling this way, shoving that way i got it to the edge of the back of the truck!!

then came the psyching up part ... there was no other way of getting it off other than using myself as the crash mat!

so i inched it closer and closer to the edge and then let gravity do its job!!

i was shaking....trying to hold a double fridge on my thighs

but ......... ROUND ONE to me!! i got it off the truck :)
and have some super cool bruises to prove it!!!!

right then came the 24 hours of sit and wait!! as a blizzard hit Ontario there was even less pressure to move the fridge from the garage... so i let it acclimatise! get used to its new house!!

so last night i was all set for round 2!!

did i mention there are a series of 5 steps into my house...... and fridges are damn heavy!!
more pushing, pulling throw in some twisting and turning..... and bingo... got to the front door

i was proud of not being the silly girlie... i had measured the door opening before i bought the fridge....... so i was good.....

eh no my blondness took over.......... the opening was wide enough....... the door itself was in the way! but i was committed at that stage (and i may be a bit stubborn) so off came the front door!

and yes the freak blizzard was still blowing outside!!

it was a tight squeeze...... but i got it in!! while catching my breath and being super super proud of myself

my poor daughter starts screaming.......... there is blood all over the kitchen floor... i checked my son first, then his twin sister....... at this stage i was confused and put my hand through my hair...... then it transpired half my finger was hanging off!!!!!!!!! 4 fingers covered in blood!!

ROUND TWO to the fridge :)

so 5 stitches later........ and a mop to the kitchen floor....... I have a fridge!!!

the irony being having to go to work today and being responsible for telling a workforce of over 800 construction workers they have to work safe........... ha ha ha if only they knew!!!


  1. Sweet Mother of God - what am I responsible for???????????

  2. You make a great teacher! you my dear are a loonatic! just so we're clear!
